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The integration technique for 'Wait.'

'Wait.' is a hybrid animated short film I've been working on in a team of four. It comprises of 2D characters composited over 3D background environments. To ensure proper integration in terms of visual style, I have researched and implemented some techniques during the production process.

In the early stages, I developed the concept art and early VisDev while keeping in mind the modeling stages required to follow afterwards. Then after, I worked mainly as a 3D generalist and Compositor in the production and post-production stages.

During this stage, I looked into proper texturing technique and Maya shaders required for our 3D objects to pull off a '2D look'. While modeling in Maya and texturing in Substance Painter, I follow close to the concept art I've drawn, matching them as close as possible.

Together with my group mate Hui Yan, we constructed the 3D scene in Maya, applied texture painted in Substance Painter onto aiToon shaders for the various objects and lighting the scene. The finalization of the lighted scene was done by me.

Lighting and Compositing Stages

The final stage involved rendering the scene in various render layers and compositing them in After Effects. The 2D character with its composite is done by Adronicus.

We applied the same production pipeline to other scenes in the story. Here are some examples/ breakdowns done together with my team:

More composited shots (I did the texturing, lighting and compositing for these shots):

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