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Imagina Project - The Machine Week 1

Hello guys! I’m working on a design for a character this week for my final year-project. In this short film, Xavier, the father is infected by a machine cybernetic ally; he was turned into a mindless drone. There are 2 forms, or should I say, ‘stages’ in his transformation. In the first transformation, only his head is affected. This thing will latch onto his face and control his body. I decided to leave half of his face unaffected to show the fear in his human eye.

I had to come up with several reiterations of the design to find the best and pick the well-suited one. Initially there weren’t a lot of foreign parts on his face, hence I added more in the next set. This will allow the audience to identify and see clearly on other angles.

After working on that I decided to work on his final stage form as well. The father at this stage is almost completely covered by the machine and his movement have to be sorta ‘gorilla’ like. This was one I had the most challenge and fun at. The real challenge is to ensure that the joints are bendable in a 3D model form. I researched other mecha designs and the Edge of Tomorrow suit became the source of my inspiration. The suit is similar in a way that the inner form is still a human body.

Firstly I came up with a couple of rough sketches to get the feel of the ideal body type:

I selected my favourite and start working on the rough orthographic sketch. At this moment, I kinda felt that it wasn’t good enough, hence I refine a bit more to the shape and silhouette.

And eventually got to this:

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